We create with fused glass in your classroom!

The Science of Fused Glass
This exciting residency introduces your students to the amazing world of fused art glass.

From its first discovery after lightening struck sand, to the highly technical properties of medical grade glass, glass has been an amazing medium with many unique scientific properties. Understanding the properties of glass becomes an exciting exploration when students are introduced to the art of glass fusing.

Our team of 4 glass artists transforms your art room into a glass studio, where students are invited to explore, touch and create with a huge variety of art glass in all its forms.
Many different forms of glass are brought into the class room for students to experiment with - sheet glass, frit, stringer, and confetti glass; as well as amazing glass that strikes from one color to another after firing. Some glass is opaque, some transparent and some translucent. Some types of glass have a thin iridescent coating and some have elements embedded in the sheet!

Projects range in complexity based on the grade and age in the classroom. These projects are suitable for students from kindergarten through to grade 12.
Although the focus is on the experience of working with glass, we ensure every student feels successful regardless of their skill level or challenges.